People had been fascinated by physical beauty for as long as we can remember. Cosmetic products are found to have been produced and used hundreds of years ago, with some even dating back to the times of ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire. The methods we undergo to achieve the perfect physical beauty have evolved with the passing of the years, gradually becoming more complex. With that said, some of these new cosmetic enhancement procedures can range from ‘complicated’ to weird, and even bizarre.

In this article, we will discuss some of the cosmetic procedures offered by medical spas that are a far cry from normal beauty procedures that most of us are familiar with, like having a simple bath, using perfume, or using face make up. Take note that this article will mainly discuss bizarre or weird medical procedures that are offered by some medical spas. Meanwhile, are you interested in knowing what’s the best medical spa software? You can check out the other articles that we have on this website regarding that subject. Without further ado, let’s start:

  1. Snake massage

If you are brave to allow slithery creatures near you, why not have a snake massage? This medical spa treatment is particularly effective at treating muscle pains and other body aches. In this particular treatment, a multitude of non-venomous snakes will be placed on your body, like milk snakes, and other small snakes with harmless bites. Sometimes, larger snakes will be used like king snakes and corn snakes, which will provide more pressure to the massage. This added pressure will help in relieving body sores and painful muscles. This procedure will set you back at $70 in most medical spas that offer them.

Although this medical spa procedure has some merit, we won’t recommend it to anyone who has a fear of our slithering friends, as you might need to have some treatment for your fear of snakes after this session.

  1. Cryotherapy

The roots of temperature treatment or cryotherapy can be traced to hundred years in the past. Back then Europeans have put in place the usage of cool saunas to refresh the entire body and lessen severe pain in the body. Technology has since then advanced to allow for colder temperatures to be used in cryotherapy. In 2010, cryotherapy was first offered by Sparkling Hill Resort, a medical spa in British Colombia, Canada. This is the first medical spa of its kind in North America that allowed customers to avail themselves of a 3 minute cryotherapy session. During this treatment, the customers will be exposed to temperatures that can go as low as – 110° C or -166°F within a cryotherapy chamber. You can experience this introductory session for just $45. Since then, more and more cryotherapy clinics have cropped up, which opened up temperature treatment to more people.

  1. Nightingale facial cream

The droppings of birds are certainly hated, especially when they fall down on your vehicle. With that said, there are people that are deliberately getting bird poop on their faces. There are high-end medical spas and salons that offer nightingale excrement as a component of facial treatment that can repair skin damage, and cause exfoliation. This treatment will set you back at around $225.

The nightingale droppings are first processed with UV rays as a way to get rid of any bacteria, grounded to powder form, which is then made into a paste like substance. This means that you won’t actually get bird droppings on your face, but only the processed version of it. Nightingale facial cream can protect against pimples and blemishes as well as improve your skin tone.

  1. Gemstone massage

If you want to relax and revitalize your skin at the same time, you can try gemstone spa procedure at The Spa in New York City. This procedure will cost you $295 during weekdays and $395 on weekends. This treatment uses gemstone that is infused with essential oils as a massaging tool, and sessions normally last for 1 hour and 30 minutes. You can choose between different gem stones, like emerald, ruby, diamond, or whatever type of gemstone is offered by the clinic you went to.