How To Perform Lateral Epicondylitis Exercises
Lateral epicondylitis exercises are very effective to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Lateral epicondylitis is a scientific term for a common stress injury called tennis elbow. It is an inflammation in the tendons located at the outside part of the elbow. This kind of injury affects tennis and other racquet players, golfers, bowlers, gardeners, housekeepers, industrial workers, carpenters, those whose occupation demands repeated activities of hands and forearms, and any other individual who are prone of any major injury. Its symptoms include pain and swelling at the lateral side of the elbow and pain when lifting or gripping.
Tennis elbow exercises restore the strength and flexibility of the muscles and the forearm and wrists as well. The exercises ensure proper blood circulation to the injured part and promote healing. The amount of exercise should be increased gradually and you should avoid doing the ones that are painful. Lateral epicondylitis exercises consist of stretching and strengthening exercises at the wrist forearm and elbow.
Some tennis elbow exercises include ball squeezing exercise, stretching exercise and strengthening exercise. Ball squeezing exercise builds up the power on the muscles and durability to promote your stamina for weight exercises. Just hold a soft squeeze ball in your hand for a few seconds and release. Do this exercise for about ten to fifteen time, twice a day. In a stretching exercise, it warms up your elbow joint and your wrist joint before an exercise for the muscles. The standard range of movement at the wrist is composed of flexion, extension and lateral deviations of the palm.
Stretching exercises should be practiced two to three times in set of ten. For pronation and supination of the forearm as a stretching exercise, rotate your palms downwards and upwards respectively without bending the wrist. For strengthening exercises, rest the forearm with wrist and palm facing downwards at the edge of the table. Grasp a weight of around four hundred to five hundred grams in your hand and bend your wrist downwards and then straighten it. Repeat this exercise for two minutes until your wrists are exerted sufficiently.
Another strengthening exercise is to rest the forearm with wrist and palm facing upwards from the edge of the table. Hold the weight in your hand, next flex your wrists and then lower it down. Moreover, you can also stand upright with the arms held out. Hold a stick in your hand and attach weights to it with a rope that reaches the ground. Roll the rope around the stick completely with the rotational movements at the wrists. Unroll the rope so that it touches the ground. This should be repeated with palm facing downwards and upwards. This aids in strengthening the wrist flexors, as well as the extensors. You can also practice pronation and supination with appropriate weights.
You can also place your wrists on a table with thumb facing upwards. Hold a hammer in hand and raise the wrist for the thumb to point towards the ceiling. Strengthen the wrist and repeat the exercise for 2 minutes. You can also use the same method while moving the wrist outwards towards the little finger.
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